Morning Medtalks with Dr KK Aggarwal


Dr KK Aggarwal    10 April 2018

  1. A study led by researchers from the Johns Hopkins University, showed that metformin potentially blocks symptoms of nicotine withdrawal in rodents.
  2. Theophylline, adenosine, digitalis, Bisphosphonates, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs all can precipitate atrial fibrillation.
  3. Penicillin skin test results are obtained in < 1 hour. The procedure involves Epicutaneous (prick-puncture) test & if negative, followed by intradermal (or intracutaneous) testing.
  4. Humour: potato chip a term for dehydrated and hypernatremic patient
  5. The government appointed Rakesh Kumar Vats as the chairman of the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority – the Indian drug price regulator. Vats is also DG of CGHS and CMD of HLL Lifecare.
  6. Three years after Harleen Kaur 7, died after her stem cell (bone marrow) donor backed out at the last minute before a scheduled transplant, the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission of Punjab held the Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMCH), Ludhiana guilty of MEDICAL negligence in handling the case and ordered it to pay Rs 40 lakh compensation to the family.

Hospital authorities had not preserved the bone marrow stem cells of the patient itself, which were preserved in case of one Nishant Madaan. They have cyro preservation system for extracting cells and preserving the same for use in case of emergency.

The commission also held them guilty for not having proper ‘HEPA air-filtered bone marrow transplant unit’.

Even no well informed consent has been obtained from complainant’s family and they were not informed about complications, risks etc. “Accordingly, we hold there is some negligence on the part of hospital in handling the case”. Indian express

7. As per BARC scientists some varieties of rice grains in Chhattisgarh Gathuwan, Maharaji and Layacha may have anti-cancer properties.

8. New Indian Express: MCI has amended the PG Medical Education Regulations, 2000, making government doctors serving in rural areas too eligible for incentive marks. Currently, doctors serving only in “remote and hilly areas” are eligible for incentive marks. As per gazette notification, dated April 5 MCI State governments will be the competent authority to notify the list of remote, difficult or rural areas from time to time.

9. Na Baba Na Jaroorat Bhi hei Kya: Avoid prescribing broad spectrum antibiotics, encourage use of narrow spectrum antibiotics.

10. Vestibular schwannomas (also known as acoustic neuromas, acoustic schwannomas, acoustic neurinomas, or vestibular neurilemomas) are Schwann cell-derived tumors that commonly arise from the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve. They account for 8% of intracranial tumors in adults and 80 to 90 percent of tumors of the cerebellopontine angle. They are rare in children.

11. Due to high humidity over most parts of the country, moisture feeding from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, heat wave conditions would not occur over any part of the country during next 4 days.

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